Friday, March 16, 2007

Just Call Me Angelina Jolie

Because adoption is the new pregnancy, which is the new black. That's right, today I welcomed a new member into my family.

The stock photo doesn't do her justice, I think. Especially since she's fancied herself up and changed saddle and handlebar wrap colour from black to silvery-grey.

Yes, I love the fact that I'm going to be riding something with the word GIANT written on it.

I am so ready to hop on top (on pop) and go for a ride, but it is snowing like a son of a bitch. So, I brought her inside with me instead. Because I want to be near her, and because I haven't had the time to break the news of our new addition to my mountain bike. And I have a feeling that he isn't going to take it well.

Because it's snowing, I carried her across the courtyard from garage to my place to avoid getting her tires mucky, and I started giggling with how very, very light she is. There's nothing like being able to carry your bike with one hand to know that it means you'll be going very, very fast on the road.

One thing that bugs is the pricing difference up here v. the US. Seriously, a $200 difference in retail pricing is crazy-talk, if you ask me, but no one does, so I pay more then I know would if I lived down cross-border. Sigh. But she is beautiful, and she is worth it.


Anonymous said...

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You must be very proud.

Melissa said...

Thanks! She's lovely and clever and I want to hug her and pet her and...well, you get the picture.

Amblus said...


Sincerely, you did very well and I hope you love your new ride!