Monday, March 05, 2007

And Around My Neck, A Monkey

I am a lucky girl. I have a brother who goes beyond ordinary effort and makes sure that the present that he chooses to give me for my birthday (secretly Christmas, due to postal service shipping problems) is something that will make me clap my hands like a goon.

You may remember me mentioning coveting a monkey necklace from Odette NY. I covet no longer. The monkey is mine, and I've been wearing it every day since it came home with me.

I am particularly fond of what I feel is the wee monkey's shaking of his wee monkey fist at the world. Or, perhaps he is wagging his finger. Which leaves me to tip my hat - to both my brother, and to Jennifer Sarkilahti, Odette's designer, for making awesome pendents and providing exceptional customer service.


Anonymous said...

That's some good monkey. Also, some good brother! All my brother gave me for my birthday was a comment on my blog. Bastard.

Melissa said...

Would you like to borrow mine? Warning: he has expensive taste in watches.