Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Snakes on a Plane, Bitch!

Today's MSNBC Test Pattern column celebrates the horrific awesomeness that is Snakes on a Plane.

When I read about this incredible piece of Samuel L Jackson movie magic, this is what happened:

Melissa: GODDAMN!
Melissa jumps on Snakes on a Plane bandwagon without hesitation.

Snakes! On a plane! I said, GODDAMN! (see above).

I now wish to wear only this t-shirt until the film's premiere.

Someone, please make that happen.


In other news, I walked into my office to find a bag of excellent chocolates on my desk. It's going to be a good year, I reckon.

This year, my department's pillars o' pillary stuff are as follows: Evolution (perhaps into robots. The possibilities excite me); Quality (this falls into my lap. More on that later); Content (Well, der.)

I am pleased because I can now tell people that I am Inspector #12, and amoungst the other things I do, I'm responsible for putting "Inspected by #12" stickers in Fruit of the Loom underwear.

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