Saturday, December 31, 2005

Its When Now?

I seem to have fallen into that cloudy, confusing space where the day? It's a surprise. It's amazing how regular events seem to be the only way I can keep track of the day in my head. Being on holiday from work takes one of those repeated events off my schedule, and the holidays takes another - expected television shows - away as well, and rejigging my gym schedule around holiday days messes me up even more. I know it's Saturday, but for the past two days, I've been pretty much convinced that it was Sunday.

That's right, Sunday. Two days in a row. And tomorrow? The real Sunday? I have a feeling that's going to feel like a Monday, kids.

But I digress. I post today to take part in a chain. Too much has gone on this year to create a recap that will do it justice, but Amy Corrinne posted an interesting method of encapsulating the year.

Instructions: take the first sentence (or 2) from the first post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review.

August: Oh, monkey, how I love you.
September: In a cage match, who would win?
October: I am blind.
November: I really, really do.
December: I made use of my ice cream maker today.

Let's see...monkeys, violence, ailments, vociferious belief and ice cream. That does pretty much sum it up.

Happy New Years, kids.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Argyle #1! I do love it so. Because I am a punk in a preps body. What?