Friday, September 28, 2007

In Which I...

Contemplate being debt-free...

It's liberating, it is. I'm the kind of girl who always, without fail, pays off the complete balance on any bill the day she receives it. I hate being beholden. Last year, I paid my car off. Student loan payments? Over and done with. And yesterday, my condo closed, leaving me without mortgage, and with a fist full of cash that I am trying very, very hard not to spend.

Debt-free = excellent.

Wonder at the lengths parents will go to in order to get back home...

For the past two weeks, my parents have been vacationing in Italy. I got back from the gym this morning to a voicemail from my mom, and an email from my dad. Long story short, their Rome-London flight had been canceled, causing them to miss their London-Toronto jaunt. They were rebooked, but were told that they wouldn't arrive back in Canada until Saturday at 6PM. Which meant that I wouldn't be able to see them before relocating to Columbus.

A couple of hours ago, I was able to talk to my parents on the phone. My mom cried at the Air Canada ticket counter at Heathrow. And Air Canada was able to find them space on a flight coming in at 10:40 PM tonight. My mom is a champion.

I'll get to see my mom and dad, and hug them both goodbye, before I leave the country myself. I wouldn't admit how important that was to me to myself until I heard that they'd be able to make it home today. Because when they told me they'd be coming in before I left? It difficult to hold back the tears of relief. Also, they got me loot in the form of a leather purse. Which is also very, very important.

Think about how awesome my big brother is...

He just is. You should marry him. That is all.

I tell you my traveling plans...

Car leaves here at 6AM tomorrow morning. Hoping to arrive in Columbus in the early afternoon.

Until then, kids.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! So glad your parents will make it home before you leave. Have a safe trip and looking forward to reading about your adventures in Columbus!

Melissa said...

Ah, thanks sweet Rose!

Foxy Renard said...

Good luck - I'm glad the parents made it home before you left. I know exactly what you mean.

Melissa said...

Aw, thanks lady. I am here, and still alive!